Harry Hook X Reader [Good morning~]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Good morning~]

My Hero Academia fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comment if you saw it, but tread carefully bc spoilers.
(my friend said that isn't cannon, and i was half relieved and half sad lol)

**short as fuck**

I opened my eyes groggily. I moved to get up, but something was stopping me. Harry's arms were wrapped around my middle, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I managed to roll over and look at his sleeping face. I pressed a soft kiss to his lips, to feel him kiss back.
"Morning love." he murmured in his sexy morning voice.
I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt him pull the blanket off my shoulder, and down to my hip.
"What are you doing?" I said, almost falling asleep again.
"Oh nothing . . . just enjoying the view."
"What are you-"
My eyes shot open. I forgot I was naked, and Harry could see . . . well everything. I squeaked and reached for the blanket, but Harry yanked it away from me. I resorted to my arms to cover up, but he had grabbed my wrists and pinned me down to the bed.
"Why are you freaking out? I've seen it all before, though you do manage to take my breath away every time~"
I blushed a deeper red and tried to pull away, but he was so damn strong!! He bent down and kissed me, and I calmed down a bit. He let go of my wrists and rolled to the side, pulling me close to him. I looked at the time over his shoulder and a moment of anxiety came over me.
I ran out of the bed . . . or tried to. I fell onto the floor. Harry chuckled from behind me and picked me up bridal style.
"I see you haven't recovered from last night's . . . exercise."
Harry helped me get dressed, though he seemed disappointed. He helped me get to the shop to meet a very angry Uma.
"I'm sorry Uma, I forgot to set the alarm."
She would have bought it, but my legs gave way again and I fell onto the floor. Harry laughed and bent to help me up. Uma's eyes widened as she seemed to understand.
"You sure you forgot to set the alarm? Or were you busy?"
I blushed while Harry supported me.
"Hell yeah we were busy." He said seductively.
I squeaked and hid my face.
"Sorry Uma, but in all honesty we DID forget." I muttered.
"Yeah, you must have been a little distracted."
I growled, but it kinda came out as an angry purr. Uma asked me to supervise the crew on the ship, and I agreed. I wobbily walked over to the ship and ordered people around. A few people were snickering at me, but I didn't understand what they were laughing at. I went over to a clique of people who weren't doing anything.
"Get back to work, I don't want to see slacking."
One guy couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing.
"ALRIGHT! What the hell is everyone laughing at?!"
Some girl pointed at my shoulder and managed to squeak out between giggles.
"You're . . . s-shoulder . . . it's-"
I looked down and saw the big dark mark.
I ran into the shop where Uma was laughing her ass off. Harry was being a smug piece of shit as I smacked the back of his head and went to search for foundation. But he grabbed my wrist and pulled me against him.
"I think they look hot babe. Now everyone knows that you're MINE."
"I . . . wait 'they?'"
Harry smirked and kissed my jaw. I pressed my hand there and felt the bruise.
"Fuck me." I muttered with my head in my hands.
"Again?~ Didn't know you wanted it this bad~"

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz