Harry Hook x Reader [Birthday!]

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Harry Hook x reader [Birthday!]

It's my birthday! So what the heck let's make it yours too UwU
You guys! 50k reads and 1k votes is the PERFECT present! How did you guys know?

F/F = Favorite flavor
F/C = Favorite color

Light hit my eyes and I shifted, blindly reaching out to cover the sun. It took me a full minute to realize that I had a pillow in my arms, and not my boyfriend. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up a little more. The door opened and I turned my head to see Harry with a plate of food.
"Happy birthday Love." he said with a smile.
I giggled as he pressed a kiss to my lips. He handed me the plate and I took a bite of the perfectly made food.
"Thought you could use some quiet time before-" he cut himself off and I raised an eyebrow.
He shook his head and made a lip sealing motion. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Do I still have to go to work?" I moaned once I had finished my food.
"Sorry Love, Uma said she needs you."
I groaned and changed out of my oh-so comfortable sleepwear. Harry and I walked to the shop, hand in hand. When we opened the door to the shop, A bunch of people jumped out and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
"EEP!" I squealed, clinging to Harry's arm, before realizing that there was no danger.
He chuckled and I let go. Uma grabbed me with a big grin.
"Uma what the hell!" I said, laughing. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"
"Good. I was afraid Harry was going to say something." She said, grinning.

Time skip

Everyone was drinking and eating. Someone had found a big stash of alcohol and stolen it. There were brightly colored decorations and laughter. Everything was so . . . light hearted, and happy.
"Ok! Time for presents!" Uma announced.
I sat down at the bar as (Random name) came up to me with a bag. I opened it to see a F/C hoodie. I looked up at them with a bright smile.
"Thanks (Random name)!"
This went on for a little while before Uma handed me a bag. I moved the tissue paper and peered inside. My face blew up in a blush as I looked down at the items it contained.
"Not taking that out of the bag." I muttered, setting the bag down next to me.
Uma laughed and punched my shoulder.
"Thanks Uma." I said, trying to cool off my cheeks.
"What'd she get you?" Harry asked.
"You'll see soon enough~" Uma said with a wink, making my face flush more.
We had finished with the presents and Uma brought out a cake. I cut it and handed it out. I was nibbling on the F/F cake when Harry came over and held my chin in his hand. He pressed his lips to mine very softly. I flushed, even though he's kissed me countless times before.
"You taste like F/F." He said with a smirk.
"Hmm, wonder why." I said, rolling my eyes.
When the party was over, Harry and I walked back to our apartment.
"So what was that present Uma got you? The one that made you red just looking at it?"
The thought made me blush again. We walked inside and I handed him the bag. He looked inside at the lingerie and smirked.
"These'll go well with my gift to you~" he said, pulling me closer by the waist.
I squeaked as he kissed me. It started out slow, but got rougher and more passion driven. I tugged on his collar and he broke away. He handed me the bag and gave me a cocky smirk.
"You're gonna have the best birthday of your life~" he said, walking into the bedroom.
    Welp. So much for a full night's sleep.

    *slams head on desk*
    Wouldn't it be great if coronavirus was a person so we could physically beat the shit out of it? I'd like that 😊
    But seriously guys. 50K?! 1K VOTES?! I thought people had better standards than this...
    Thanks guys, my confidence has shot up.
    Bye lovelies!

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