Harry Hook x Reader [Princess or Pirate] {Pt. 5} ~FINAL PART~

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Harry Hook x Reader [Princess or Pirate] {Pt. 5}

FINAL CHAPTER! Yall are probably sick of this by now XD but I have a one shot in the works that might be coming out soon.
*this one is on the shorter side*


My hands were in my lap and a few tears were streaming down my face. Maleficent glared down at me with a mix of spite and confusion.
"Please," I whispered.
"And why should I help you?" she spat.
"I'm the oldest child, if I'm out of the way my brother will inherit the crown and he will likely make Mal queen." I said, as if the lines were rehearsed. "I hate it there. I hate being who I am, and I hate what I'm forced to do. Please . . ."
"Erasing your memory won't change who you are."
"No, but I can start a new life. If my memories are gone . . . I can make new ones! I can have a better life."
Maleficent sighed heavily, seeing as though she had no choice.
"Fine. I will leave you with your name. If you should see anyone from Auradon, you will remember our meeting. However everything else will be gone permanently. Are you prepared for that sacrifice?"
"I am." I said shakily.

~End of flashback~

"Y/N?" I heard.
My eyes refocused and I looked around myself. Harry was holding me by the biceps, and Uma was arguing with the girl.
"Give us the princess back!"
"What the hell are you talking about, she came here on her own free will! And what do you mean 'princess?'" Uma shouted.
"I-I'm royalty." I whispered to Harry. "I think I'm from Auradon, I asked this woman to erase my memories from there."
He nodded gravely.
"Ok, we'll keep you safe." he kissed my forehead gently and looked over at Mal, who was staring intently at me.
"It's ok princess, I'm going to take you home."
"That's not for you to decide! Don't you think Y/N has a say in it too?!" Uma shouted.
"What? Why wouldn't she want to go home! You kidnapped her!"
"No, we didn't! How many times do you want me to say that she came here on her own free will!"
"I somehow doubt that a group of pirates took her in for 'charity.'" the girl spat.
"Uma, calm down." Harry said, placing a hand on his captain's shoulder. "Mal. I will only say this once, you can choose to believe it or not. Y/N was bleeding, we took her in to heal her, when she woke up, she willingly joined us as a pirate."
    "Oh, yeah, ok, that makes a LOT of sense." Mal said sarcastically. "A princess, ROYALTY, just decided to join a dirty group of pirates that will do nothing but hurt her."
    Harry was about to retort when I stood up. I started speaking, but the words that were coming out of my mouth were on autopilot.
    "ROYALTY doesn't like being told what to do. ROYALTY doesn't like being told who to love! Ben was privileged, he got to choose. I didn't! I was being forced into a shitty relationship with some asshole who treated me like garbage unless my parents were around! I taught myself to fight because I wasn't about to sit around and be the perfect little angel I was forced to be."
    'What the hell am I saying?' I thought. 'Did this really happen to me? It's like an old speech that I wrote years ago, and just remembered.'
    "I AM NOT A PRINCESS." I shouted. "I AM NOT Y/N BELLE ANYMORE." I grabbed a random sword and pointed it at Mal's chest, making her back up.
    "Now leave."
    She turned on her heel and ran. The world lightened a little, as if I was seeing it through different eyes.
    "What the hell was that." I laughed.
    Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
    "Sounds like you've wanted to say that for a while." he said.
    "I probably have. It was like a speech I memorized years ago, and forgotten about until now."
    "Well," Uma said "You're a new person now. You're with us now."
    Harry spun me around and kissed me, I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.
    "They'll probably be back for me." I muttered.
    "We'll be ready." Harry said. "We have you on our side."

    Wow I wrote this like, RIGHT after the last one XD
    But yeah this is the final part, thanks for bearing with me, I'm better at oneshots (or twoshots) so I'll be sticken to those
    LOVE YA!

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