Harry Hook X Anxious! Reader

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Harry hook x Anxious! Reader

A.N: Hi! I don't really know if enough people read this for me to be able to make this kind of Authors Note, but here goes. So I know I posted a couple really fast, but I'm going to be slowing down because of school and other complications. I will still be posting, but just not at much. Also, I will take requests, because I tend to get horrible writers block and I need to stock up on nuts for the winter. Just don't expect them to be too good 😅.


Hi. I'm Y/N, daughter of Scar. He didn't really like me, in fact, he almost never saw or spoke to me. So that detail of myself is almost entirely insignificant. I am a part of Uma's crew. She took a bit to warm up to me, but after a bit, she was like my best friend. Harry Hook was also a friend of mine. He almost took it upon himself as my emotional guardian. I have severe anxiety. And my panic attacks are really big. Harry was always there to protect me and calm me down. I hate to admit it, but I was developing a crush on him. Well, on to the story.
"Hey Uma." I said, walking into the shop.
"Hey Y/N. Whadja get me?"
"A hell of a lot of fish, some potatoes, and an apple."
"I call the apple!" Hook said from behind me.
"No way! This is MY apple!" I joked, sticking my tongue out at him.
"I bet that I can get that apple."
I immediately bit into it and held it into my mouth, like a cooked pig. Harry smirked and bit into the other side of the apple. (A.N its like pocky but healthy!) I turned bright red and pulled back, relinquishing the apple and pouting.
"No fair!"
Harry just chuckled and enjoyed his apple. I just scowled at him and crossed my arms. Uma called me over.
"I'm sorry to ask, but I forgot to add something, can you go get it?"
"Yeah sure." I said, grabbing the piece of paper she handed me.
I left and began walking down the street. I passed by an alleyway, where out of my peripheral vision, I saw a group of men begin to follow me. My breath started to pick up. My knees felt weak, and my hands started shaking. My pace picked up the slightest and rounded a corner to get a look behind me. They were definitely following me. I gave up and broke out into a flat out run. I glanced behind myself, they were running after me. I was full on hyperventilating now, crying slightly. I kept running until I tripped and fell. I heard footsteps getting closer. I was shaking and my throat began to close up. I started to get dizzy, before I passed out.
*Time skip because idk what to put if the reader has passed out*
When I woke up, I was on . . . a bed? (A.N no you didn't get raped) I sat up and looked around. There wasn't that much there. I was confused. Not too concerned, since I seemed to be okay. The door opened and I jumped. A man with a sleeveless shirt, a pirate hat, and eyeliner on walked in. Harry. He looked at me and sighed.
"Thank god you're awake."
"What happened?"
"Well, I saw you running, and there were some men behind you, running too, so I . . . um intenvined. When I went to see if you were okay, you had passed out."
"So THAT'S who was behind me."
"Y/N, you really worried me. I thought for a second that you were dead."
I closed my eyes and lay back down. I felt the bed shift and I saw Harry next to me. I smiled and rolled over to look at him.
"As I was walking, I saw them come out of the alley and I totally panicked. I thought I was going to get raped or something."
Harry frowned at that thought.
"Just bite their **** off and they CAN'T rape you."(I am a pure christian child *I almost said chile*)
I burst out laughing.
"Yes, I will do that." I chuckled.
"Sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt. I really care about you."
"Ya know I would say the same, but the most you'd ever get is some rabid princess trying to belong."
Harry chuckled.
"You've never been attacked by a princess."
"And I never will be. Something tells me Auradon isn't very gay freindly."
Harry laughed again and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you Y/N."
He then got very tense and something told me he didn't mean to say that. I smiled secretly and pulled away.
"U-um . . . I like you."
"No . . . I'm pretty sure you said 'love'~"
Harry turned red and started stuttering and fiddled with his hands. I smirked and scooted closer to him.
"Are you denying it?~"
"Um. . . no . . .?"
I pressed my lips against his and he immediately responded. The kiss escalated quickly and he rolled on top of me. I moaned the teeniest bit, which only fueled the flame. He pressed himself against me and I wrapped my arms around him. My breathing began picking up, and my hands started shaking. Harry obviously knew what it meant and pulled away, frowning.
"I know an anxiety attack from you when I see one. You need to calm down."
I scowled at him and rolled over. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I fell asleep, in pure bliss.

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin