Harry Hook x Reader [Therapist]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Therapist]

I play therapist for my friends, as does Jackie. I'll tell her that I'm playing therapist, and when I finished we'll get on a call and act like crackheads to restore ourselves.

Thanks @SmileLion5!

3rd POV

Y/N wasn't the smartest person. Wait let me rephrase that, she is smart, she's just oblivious. Y/N is really good with helping people. She can talk you through a breakup, give advice, or even just let you vent to her. However, this created a few problems.
If someone wanted her to play therapist, she would put on a brave face listen, and give the advice they needed. But it would take its toll on her. The second she would be alone, she would have a monster headache. Either she'd fall dead asleep, or have an emotional breakdown, THEN fall dead asleep.
If someone  came to her post-breakup, they would mistake her kindness for affection. Which is a whole new rabbit hole.

So due to these facts, Y/N had a LOT of admirers. A lot of them were simply transference. This was the case for Jay. She played therapist for him when he was stressed out, and he not-so-slowly began crushing on her. But this is a Harry x Reader book, so sorry Jay.

(goddamn it I love fourth wall breaks)


It was the end of the day, and I was talking with Jay. He was really stressed, and just got out of a relationship, so he needed someone to talk to. He rested his head on his palm and smiled at me.
"You're so tolerant of me Y/N."
"Not tolerant! I like talking to you!" I said quickly.
He chuckled.
"Thanks for listening to me Y/N." he said, ruffling my hair.
He left, and once he was out of sight I let out a breath and slammed my head down on the table groaning. My head was killing me, and I was exhausted.
"I don't know why you keep helping if all it does it tire you out." Said a voice behind me.
I straightened up so fast I nearly fell backwards. But I was caught by two arms.
I looked up at Harry and grinned.
"Hey Harry."
"Hello Love."
He sat down next to me and I sighed, my eyes getting heavy.
"You can take a nap if you'd like." he said soothingly, brushing my hair from my face.
I hummed and rested my head on his shoulder sleepily.
"Sleep Love." he whispered.
Everything slowly drifted to black as I gave in to his warmth.

3rd POV

The tension was thick, and everyone could sense it. Well everyone except for Y/N. Even if she was awake she wouldn't notice. Jay was glaring at Harry from across the room and Harry was glaring right back. Harry was jealous, obviously. But he was also mad. Y/N cared so much for others she forgot to take care of herself. So whenever she would help Jay, or anyone for that matter, she would be in pain. And Harry didn't like seeing her in pain.

During this silent fight, Y/N mumbled in her sleep and pressed herself against Harry. He smirked at Jay, who was practically fuming at this point. Harry decided to push his buttons a little bit. He picked up the sleepy Y/N and pressed his lips to her forehead, waking her up.
"Harry?" she yawned. She was too tired to really comprehend what happened.
He chuckled.
"Go back to sleep Love, I'm taking you to your dorm ok?"
"Mkay." she murmured, leaning against his chest.
He walked with the sleeping girl to the dorm rooms, earning a few looks from other boys. He set her down in her bed and left, closing the door behind him.

He walked to Jay, who was still glaring.
"Stay away from Y/N." Harry said bluntly.
Jay scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I could say the same to you."
Harry walked up to Jay, and he was a few inches taller, which made him a lot more intimidating.
"Y/N puts up with your bullshit because she's too nice to say otherwise. Every single time she's with you, she leaves with a splitting headache, and is about ready to collapse with exhaustion."
    Jay didn't show it, but that hit him hard. He was putting her through that? He was giving her pain?
    "If it was that bad, she would have said something-"
    "Would she?" Harry retorted.
    Jay opened and closed his mouth. He knew she wouldn't, she was too sweet to do that.
    "Listen," Harry said. "Y/N is great, but you're not actually in love with her."
    Jay was silent. Harry turned on his heel and walked back to Y/N's dorm.

    Harry was sitting on the edge of Y/N's bed. Her phone buzzed and he glanced at the notification.

From: Jay
Hey Y/N, thanks for helping me out, but I don't need it anymore. You're a great friend for helping me through this!

    A small smile made its way to Harry's face when he read the word 'friend.' A small tug on his arm snapped him out of his head. Y/N smiled sleepily at him and sat up.
    "Hey sleepyhead~" he teased.
    She hummed and rubbed her eyes. Glancing over at the new notification, Y/N grabbed her phone and read the message. She set it down with sad eyes.
    "What's wrong?" Harry asked.
    "D-Did I do something?"
    He chuckled.
    "Yeah, you helped him."
    She rolled her eyes and lied back down looking at the ceiling.
    "Hey Love?"
    Harry grabbed her by the hips and pulled her into his lap, making her blush furiously. He tilted her chin so his lips were inches from hers and softly kissed her. She stiffened, but quickly melted.
    "I-I, um," she stuttered.
    Harry chuckled and brushed her cheek with his thumb. She might not care for herself, but he sure as hell did.

Quick announcement,

I might be getting my own wattpad account! Maybe. Hopefully. This book will still be on Jackie's account, we started this together and we're going to finish it together, but if I get my own, make sure to check out some of my stories! I'll let y'all know when it is confirmed or otherwise!

~Lila <3

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