Harry Hook x Reader [Weapons] {Pt. 2}

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Harry Hook x Reader [Weapons]{P2}

Sorry? I'm watching a hell of a lot of Hunter x Hunter so I've been... well not writing. Next part should be posted pretty soon, I WAS going to make them one but decided to make it two at the last second. Don't take my word on that tho 😅
Yah I wrote this on like 7/6

    Y/N POV

    "Are you ok with training with Harry Y/N?" Uma asked.
    I nodded. For some reason I was comfortable with him. He took me outside, careful not to touch me. I was so embarrassed! I completely overreacted when he did nothing but brush my arm.
    "Y/N?" he said.
    I jumped and looked up at him.
    "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault."
    "H-How'd you know?"
    He chucked lowly.
    "Your expression. You looked guilty and embarrassed, which is normal. But there's no reason to be embarrassed over beating up the strongest pirate here." he joked.
    I smiled slightly.
    "Don't get used to it, I'm not letting it happen again." he said with a wink.
    We walked onto the ship and he grabbed a wooden sword.
    "Weapons work ok?" he asked.
    I nodded. He tossed me another wooden sword and I stared at it. It didn't feel right in my hands. I spotted a broom on the floor and I picked it up, pulling the head off the stick. I twirled it in my fingers expertly, tucking one end under my arm and pointing it at him.
    "Can I use this?"
    He nodded, looking at me curiously.
    "Stay on the defence for now, after a bit we can go back and forth."
    My grip tightened on my informal weapon as he swung at my head. I quickly switched my grip so I was holding it with two hands over my head, blocking his strike.
    "Good." he said with a smile.
    He pulled his sword back and stabbed. I sidestepped and turned my broomstick vertically, parrying his sword and knocking it to the side. (A/N I knew those fencing lessons would come in handy. Now I know what terms to use XD)
    This went on for quite some time, Harry striking and me either evading or blocking his attacks. As we went, we slowly got faster and faster, until he stopped attacking.
    "Ok, I think you can use some offensive techniques. Just don't kill me." he chuckled.
    I flushed and fixed my gaze on the floor.
    "S-Sorry I didn't mean . . . sorry." he mumbled.
    I shrugged.
    "It's ok." I felt much more comfortable with him now.
Who knew fighting could make you feel safe.
"Start!" Harry said.
I rushed forward, my legs having a mind of their own. He quickly moved his sword to block the piece of wood that was rushing to hit him. As my stick collided with his sword, I moved the other end to try and hit him again. He managed to block again and move out of my range.
"Damn, ok then." he muttered.

We continued to fight until Uma told us to come in. I sat down next to Harry, who was sharing my fighting style with Uma.
" . . . she was a little less natural than when she used her bare fists, but she's definitely had experience before." he said.
Uma smiled at me and handed me some food. I nibbled at the meal and stole a few glances at Harry.
"So you think she's better at hand to hand combat?" Uma said.
"Personally, yes. It looks more natural and fluid. But I wouldn't want to fight her either way."
"Huh. Y/N?"
I looked up at the sound of my name.
"How would you like to do an experiment? On your hand to hand combat skills. I have an idea to see how you compare to different types of fighters."
"U-Um, ok I guess . . ."
"Great!" she said. "We'll start tomorrow. You'd better get some sleep, ok?"
I nodded shyly and Uma led me back to the room I woke up in. I lied down in the bed and felt tears gently drip down my face.
'Who am I?' I thought. 'Who WAS I?'

Time skip, brought to you by the fencing saber in the corner of my room

I woke up to the sun shining painfully in my eyes.
"Oww..." I muttered.
I sat upright and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and walked down the stairs.
"Hey Y/N." Uma said as she cleaned the glasses.
I looked around the completely empty shop. Uma and I were the only one's here.
"Harry'll be here in a bit." she said with a smirk.
I flushed red at her statement.
"T-That's not what I-I-"
Uma chuckled.
"Uhuh. I've seen the way you look at him. He makes you feel safe right? Protected? Almost like nothing else matters." she said knowingly.
I nodded, still red.
"That's called love." she said with a smile. "When you're in love, everything gets bright. You get this shine in your eyes and you feel like it's just you and them. Alone in this world, yet together."
"Love . . ." I mumbled. "Oh, I wanted to ask you. Where are we? What IS this world?"
Uma's expression darkened.
"Princes and princesses, special people that are treated (A/N i was about to say 'like royalty' but then I went 'wait . . .') better than everyone else, live in a place called Auradon. There was a time where our parents lived there too. My mom, Harry's dad, people like that. They had different ideas on how the world should run. And they didn't do very good things. So they sent them here, where they couldn't hurt anybody. And as the children of those people, we suffer here too. In this rotting dump where we're cut off from others."
She measured my expression to her speech and I rested my head in my arms.
Uma laughed slightly.
"Yeah, pretty depressing huh?"
"Umm . . . what's that word?"
"Oh, depressing? It's like, when everything feels heavy, and sad. Like the weight of the world is crashing down on your shoulders."
"O-Oh . . . tell me more about love." I said with a smile.
Uma chuckled and sat down next to me.
"Of course."

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu