Harry Hook x Pregnant! Reader [REQUEST]

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Harry Hook x Pregnant! Reader

Thanks @jjmelon8elliebean for this request! (this was a good long while ago XD) I have to tread carefully because I read a oneshot where something similar to this happened and I don't wanna copy.
(yall are over 18)
*angsty, then floofy.*

My hands were shaking as I held the test in my hands. I was ecstatic. I've always wanted a child of my own. I took a few deep breaths to calm the shaking, and stood up from the floor. I hid the test behind my back and skipped out of the bathroom happily. Harry was sitting at the kitchen table eating and I flashed a big smile.
"Harry guess what?" I beamed.
"You're pregnant?" he responded, clearly as a joke.
I nodded vigorously. Harry rolled his eyes.
"Haha, very funny. What is it really?"
I held out the test, and Harry froze. His eyes flashed up to me with a deadly expression, my stomach started to sink.
"You're pregnant?" he said in barely a whisper.
I nodded, my legs feeling weak. Was he mad? I didn't think he would be mad!
"How could you let this happen! I thought you were being careful!"
I froze. He wasn't actually going to blame this on me.
"Y-You're blaming me?"
"You're the one who got knocked up!"
"YOU'RE the one who knocked me up! What the hell is wrong with you, you can't be mad at me over something that's out of my control!"
He shook his head, his eyes wide.
"Whatever. We barely have enough money as it is. You're either getting an abortion, or I'm leaving you."
"You're giving me an ultimatum?!" I growled and hugged my stomach. "I am not getting rid of my baby!"
Harry didn't say another word to me. He just silently grabbed a bag, filled it with stuff, and walked out the door.
I broke down in desperate sobs. I loved him, but he didn't care enough to help me through this. I collapsed on the bed and double fisted my hair, pulling it till it ached. After a good hour, I pulled myself together. If he was going to leave me over this, he wasn't worth it anyway.

At least, that's what I told myself.

TIME SKIP (you're 1.5 months pregnant)

I was lying in bed, contemplating life. It had been a month since Harry left. And I was debating on whether or not I made the right choice.
    I let out a loud sigh.
    "Well let's see." I said to my baby. "If I got an abortion, then you would've never gotten another chance. There'll always be other men. Right?"
    Even I knew that was bullshit. Harry was my everything, and I missed him with every cell in my body.
    "What am I talking about," I whispered. "I can't even fool myself."
    I felt tears run across my temple, and I rubbed them away.
    "No, he's gone. I can't waste time missing him!" I said. "He's gone and he's not coming back. All I can do now is hope the best for you." I said, looking at my nonexistent belly bump.
    I groaned and shot up like a gun, running to the bathroom. Morning sickness was a bitch. As I was throwing up, I felt someone hold my hair back. I glanced over my shoulder to see Harry with a tear stained face. I sat up and walked past him. I was stubborn, and as much as I wanted him to hold me, I wasn't just going to run back to him. I grabbed some mouthwash and rinsed out my mouth.
    "Look Y/N," he murmured. He sounded broken. Like he hadn't been talking at all. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but I miss you like crazy."
    I glanced over my shoulder to look at him. He was still sitting on the floor. I could see tears on the tile. He was crying.
    "I said horrible things to you, things you didn't deserve. I shouldn't have made you choose between an abortion, or being a single mom."
    I held the edges of the sink, trying not to cry.
    "I love you so much and this past month has been hell. When you said that 'there would be other men, I was ready to break right then and there."
    I looked at him.
    "You heard that?" I whispered.
    "Sorry, I walked in the door and I heard you talking I-"
    I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him.
    "No point in lying then." I said with a weak laugh.
    Harry rested his chin on my head and stroked the back of my hair.
    "I'll help you through this Love. Promise."

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