Harry Hook x Reader [Love] {Pt. 3}

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Harry Hook x Reader [Love]{Pt.3}

haHA! I actually posted! aMaZiNG

Once the entire crew showed up, Uma led us out to the ship. She drew a large circle, maybe with a 10 foot diameter, on the wood with chalk, and asked me to stand in the middle of it. I did so, as Uma told the crew members to line up.

"Ok, so this is basically a hot seat. Each person will fight Y/N one at a time, the first person to step out of the circle is the loser. This won't be a 'king of the hill' kinda thing, no matter who wins, Y/N will fight the next person. I'll be keeping note of who you lose, and win to. If the fight doesn't end after 10 minutes, we'll stop it and give you a break."

I nodded and watched as the first person walked into the circle.
"Aaand, START!"
He was fast. Moving towards me at full speed. He followed with a big haymaker that I neatly dodged. I moved towards his other fist, ducking under it so I was behind him. I jumped and planted both feet on his back, before kicking off and landing near the edge. As for the guy, I had kicked him out of the circle.
"First round, to Y/N." Uma said.

The next person walked into the ring, a girl this time. When Uma started the match, she moved gracefully and quickly towards me. She didn't use a haymaker, but I saw her shift her weight to her left leg, like she was about to kick with her right. I moved towards her left and kicked her leg out from under her. As she was falling, I used the ball of my foot to kick her out of the ring.
"Second round to Y/N." Uma said with a smile, crossing her arms. "This is getting interesting."

After several rounds (I'm getting lazy), I had defeated almost everyone. The only time I lost was when my foot accidentally slipped out of the ring. My last fight was with Harry.
"I'm not letting you overpower me again Love." he said with a smirk. "Prepare yourself for one hell of a fight."
I grinned and raised my fists in front of my face.
"Bring it."
"And, FIGHT!" Uma called.

I initiated the attack and moved towards him quickly. I shot quick punches, but he dodged them all. His hand grabbed my waist as he moved my foot with his to make me lose my balance. As I fell, I grabbed onto his collar and swung my legs forward, maneuvering myself under his arm and landing behind him on the balls of my feet. I spun around and smiled. Harry threw another punch, which I knocked out of the way with my arm.

This back and forth continued for a while, this had definitely been my longest fight.
"TIME! That's ten minutes." Uma said. "Take a break, and we'll resume in a bit."
I sat down on the floor and fanned myself with my hands. Harry smirked at me and took off his shirt. I flushed and fixed my gaze at the ground.
"That's not fair Harry! You can't seduce her so you can win!" Uma said, making me blush more.
"What's not fair about it? I was hot so I took off my shirt. Her reaction is up to her." he said with a smirk.
"It's cheating!"
Harry chuckled and walked off.
I grabbed a water bottle, drinking some of the cold liquid. After a few minutes, Uma called Harry back into the ring. I put my guard up and got ready to fight.
"And, BEGIN!" Uma said.
My leg swung forward and kicked the bundle of nerves in his thigh. He absorbed the impact and went for my feet, trying to knock me off balance. I fell backwards, and Harry grabbed my wrists, holding me down (A/N 0////0).
I compacted my knees into my chest and kicked him off, trying to send him out of the ring. He stopped himself, right before his foot slipped out.
'Damn,' I thought 'So close.'
I rushed forward, trying to knock him farther, but he moved out of the way, nearly sending me out. I spun around and sent punches and kicks flying at him. He either dodged or blocked my attacks. He managed to land a hit, right on my boob. I let out a gasp as Uma winced in empathy pain. I attacked, pushing him back. He started moving to the side, but I didn't pay attention as to why.
"Final round to Harry." Uma said.
I glanced down at my feet, my heel was outside the ring.
"You two were probably the most evenly matched."
I collapsed on the floor, panting. I pressed down on the top of my breast, wincing slightly at the pressure I applied. Harry reached out and helped me up, pulling me into his chest. I squeaked as his arms wrapped around me, holding me closer.
I relaxed into him after a few seconds and buried my heated face in his chest.
"EEE!" Uma squealed. "You guys are so cute!"
My face felt hot again, even hotter if possible. Harry chuckled and grabbed my chin, and angled my face so it was inches from his. I stuttered and stared at him, trying not to, but clearly failing.
As Harry's lips grazed mine, my stomach knotted and un-knotted at the feeling. He pulled away with a mischievous smirk and I flushed again. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Uma bouncing on the balls of her feet, a big smile and excitement in her eyes.
"I-Is this love?" I asked shyly.
Harry chuckled and brushed my hair out of my face.
"It is to me."

ANOTHER ONE, DONE! Songfic might be coming out soon idk

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