Harry Hook X Reader [Food Fight!]

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Harry Hook x reader [Food fight!]

May I just say, THANK YOU SOO MUCH @McNoodleDoodle, @MarieLily716 and @ally_emo YALL ARE AWESOME!!! I legit didnt know what the fuck to write and now I have shit to do so THANK YOU!!

    Y/N POV
    "Mal what is that?" I asked, looking at the lump of black charcoal.
    "Um . . . I tried ok! It's supposed to be cookies."
    I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach.
    "That's . . . cookies . . .?" I managed between giggles.
    Mal scowled at me and smacked my arm. I put on the oven mit and pulled out a tray of perfectly made chocolate chip cookies. Mal drooled at the sight.
    "THAT'S cookies." I said, still laughing.
    "GIVE." (A/N some of my friends are in Home EC, I ALWAYS make them give me food.) Mal said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
    I laughed and stuck them in the freezer for a minute so they'd cool. When they were done, I grabbed one and gave it to Mal.
    "Oh my god." she mumbled when she took a bite. "These are sooo good."
    "Can I have another?"

    Time skip to lunch.

    "STOP IT JAY!!"
    Jay was trying to grab my plate of cookies. You give 'em one, they'll come back for more. As I was trying to protect my food, Harry Hook came over.
    "Can I have one lass?~" he said, holding my chin between his fingers.
    "Sure." I said, going to grab a cookie.
    "WHAT THE HELL!?" Jay screamed.
    "Shut up Jay, he hasn't had one. You already got one."
    Harry smirked at Jay as he took a bite of the magical food.
    "No fair! You seduced her!"
    I threw a baby carrot at Jay and scowled at him.
    I looked at Mal and smirked.
    "Hey Jay, Mal made some cookies too. They're REALLY good."
    Jay perked up and Mal handed him a charcoal lump. Without even looking he popped the food into his mouth. He coughed and spit it out 'discreetly' into a napkin.
    "Really good Mal."
    "Oh! You want another?" she asked, trying not to laugh.
    "N-NO! That's ok."
    Mal laughed and I ate a cookie just to tease.
    Time skip to Home EC a few days later.

    "Y/N and Harry, you two are partners today." Ms. Bea said.
    I shrugged and walked over to a station and turned on the oven. Today we were making apple pie, one of the harder recipes. I rolled out the dough, and Harry pealed, and cut the apples. I had to show him how for about five minutes before he got the hang of it. Even then, he was slow.
I bit my lip, trying not to laugh at him. I got all of the ingredients into the mixer, but my hand slipped and the mixer imiediatly sprayed us with flour. I coughed and waved my hand in front of my face. When we FINALLY got everything in order for the filling, Harry dipped his finger in and got filling on my nose. He smirked and I playfully glared at him.
I grabbed some flour from behind me and threw it at him.
"Oh it's on, love."
He got more filling and threw it at me. I squealed and tried to wipe off the sticky substance. (AN *cough*)
"You have some on your lips." Harry chuckled.
I tried to wipe off the mess to no avail.
"Here, let me get it~"
He kissed me, and I was pretty sure we could've cooked the pie on my face from how red it was. When he pulled away, he licked his lips with a smirk. I tried not to meet his eyes. He chuckled and nipped my neck. I squeaked and he smirked again.
"You had pie on your neck."
"I-I'm going t-to go clean u-up." I said hurriedly.
I walked quickly over to the bathroom to wipe off all the pie.


When I came back, everything was cleaned up and the pie was in the oven. I walked up to Harry and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him down to my height. I pressed my lips to his quickly, then speedwalked away. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to him. His hands were on my hips and he was smirking with a faint blush.
"Will you be mine?" he asked, his lips a hair away from my own.
    I nodded quickly and he kissed me again.
    A/N And then you got detention for kissing in class. Jk, I don't think you'd let me live with an ending like that XD
    Thank you guys again, yall really came through!

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