Acts 4:31

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Acts 4:31

NCV:After they had prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke God's word without fear.

Meaning: It's kinda crazy how much prayer can do for all of us. From healing the dying to helping you make the sports team. It renews or faith and strength. Prayer honestly changed lives. Without a doubt, prayer is incredible, there is no arguing that. But, why do we all still find it so hard to pray all the time? None of us want "second choice" friends. Nothing is worse than having friends that will hang out with you whenever something with their other friends is going wrong or when they want something. Prayer works the same way! Don't only pray when you want something or when something goes wrong. Make time for prayer everyday, even when God is blessing you incredibly,even when things are going wrong. Pray without ceasing. The most common excuse is "I don't have time to pray." Take god out of the number 2 spot, make time. If that means you loose a few minutes of playing video games or listening to music, so be it. Stop putting God in the number 2 spot, because you are his number 1, no matter what.

I know some of you out there are struggling with always praying, I found this prayer online and I really think it fits well. So if your struggling with prayer... Try out this prayer.

Majestic God, please raise up prayer warriors who will help transform your church and who will battle Satan. Please fill your Church with the Holy Spirit and with boldness. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Sorry guys! Our posting schedule has been really messed up lately, some how I got missed a few times. We are working on getting back our high quality posts.

Goodnight prayer warriors <3

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