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I came across this video through a YouTube channel I watched and it actually is the most touching, inspirational Christmas video I have ever seen!!!! Watch it above or search "#sharethegift" in YouTube! Watch it all and just embrace the beauty of it!!

As Christmas is just around the corner, everyone is hustling around buying presets, shopping, decorating... All that stuff! But, guys thats not what Christmas is about! Sure, getting presents is great and decorating is fun, but it's not why we celebrate! It's about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour who was born in Bethlehem, wrapped in swaddling cloth and placed in a manger! How shepard's brought their flocks to see this baby, the saviour of the world, wrapped in light! How the heavenly host sang hallelujah and how the saviour of the earth was born!!! This is why we celebrate Christmas!! That is the true gift, the most amazing gift of all time was given by God and it was the gift of his one and only son! So share that gift!!! Share this video with family, friends, put it on social media {#ShareTheGift} and spread the true meaning of Christmas!!

This video was made by over 1000 people {mainly YouTubers} to spread the gift and shine a light to the world this Christmas and revived a Guinness World Record for the worlds larger nativity! Doesn't that inspire you so much?! All these people spending this time to focus back on the reason for the season and bringing glory to God's name! So join in and share the gift! Remember the reason for the season- to celebrate the brith of Jesus!:)

Merry Christmas to you all! Tonight, my family and I are leaving for Costa Rica!!! I am so excited!!! As mentioned earlier, this will be our final post until the beginning of January.
Have a blessed Christmas all of you!! Remember- SHARE THE GIFT!!!

Merry Christmas!


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