1 Timothy 4:12

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Todays verse: 1 Timothy 4:12

NIV: Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

NVC: Do not let anyone treat you as if you are unimportant because you are young. Instead, be an example to the believers with your words, your actions, your love, your faith, and your pure life.

Meaning: It's so easy to say " Yeah I'm only like 13 or 14 years old... There's no way I can be light for Jesus... I'm to young" But this verse is telling us to do the total opposite!! God has each given us unique abilities that we can use to spread Gods word... And like this verse says we should not let other people's discouragement bring us down, instead we should be a reflection of Christ in everything we do, say and our actions toward other people!!:) Each and everyone of us have the capability to show the world that we are proud and thankful to be Gods children! Through the things we say, the way we act ect., we can shine a light for Jesus! Sometimes it might not be easy as you could get looked down upon because of our age and, like yesterday's post talked about, people might scoff at us for believing in God. But that shouldn't stop us from modelling Christ because He really does deserve all the glory!!:)

Take action!: Whether its simply proudly wearing a shirt with a verse on it or not going along with the crowd and taking the Lords name in vain, this week, wherever you are, strive to be an example of Christ to everyone around you! You could also use some sort of social media to bring glory to God!! Posting a verse or inspirational quote or starting a Wattpad book with something that shows you passion for your faith are great ways to shine a light into this world:)

*******EXCITING NEWS!!!!*********

Our book "A Teens Bible" has hit 100 views!!! Thank u all soooo much for reading our book so far and as a result, DaughterOfTheFather is gonna be starting a new book!! It will have inspirational quotes, song lyrics and pretty much anything else we find that glorify's God!!! So stay tuned cause we'll be starting it soon.... Thanks u so much to all of you!!



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