Galatians 3:28

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Galatians 3:28

NIV: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Meaning: To Christ we aren't one over the other, we are all one, all the same. This verse tells us that no matter what your religion,race,status or gender, you are all the same to Christ. Regardless of our outer appearance, us Christians are all on the sane journey. We all come before him asking for forgiveness and we all aspire to grow in our faith. We are all one giant family striving for the same thing. Through him we are all united,redeemed,justified and strengthened. Let's admit it, the Christian family is the most loving,kind one of all time. It's one I'm proud to be apart of!

{ Hey guys! So this verse was actually requested by a reader about two days ago! If you have any requests let us know! We always try to get to them as fast as we can! Anyways, have a great night guys, remember that your beautiful,smart,talented and priceless in gods eyes! }


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