Proverbs 18:13

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NIV: To answer before listening—

    that is folly and shame.

NCV: Anyone who answers without listening is foolish and confused.

Meaning: To answer or accuse someone without listening to what they have to say is shallow and shameful. You have to think aboht both perspectives. When your the one being accused without them listening to you it can be very frustrating.  You have something to say but they wont listen or understand.  But on the other hand when its you accusing someone you think you know everything and you dont need to know their opinion.  It works both ways so you have to think about that first. Its like your on a game show and you're being asked a question. And before they finish ghe question you answer it because you think you know.  But you end up being wrong because you didnt finish listening to what they have to say.  Life is like that. And the bible is a manual to show you how to get through life. A foolish person will reply with a foolish answer if they're not patient to wait. 

I know this is a common case in the world today.  We're all caught up in ourselves, that we don't really care what the other person thinks.  So we don't wait to listen to them. Pray to God if you know you have troubles listening. You need to know how to listen. Especially when God's telling you stuff to do!

I hope your weekend has been going  great!   Thank you for all our view!! We love you, just like Jesus loves you!!

-Megan :)

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