Habakkuk 3:19

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Habakkuk 3:19

NIV: The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.

Meaning: February 28th, 3 years ago is the day my grandmother died. I've mentioned her before, she really means the absolute world to me. Each year around this time, things get tough. It's now that I did myself seeking Christ the most. I'm weak and vulnerable, a clump of mixed emotions. However Christ has a way of strengthening me. While doing what I like to call a "worldly detox session" today (which consisted of listening to only Christian music and reading the bible for a few hours) I stubbed upon this verse. Christ enables me to do things I couldn't do myself; through my grieving process he's my shoulder to cry on. Not only does he strengthen us, he gives us flexibility and the ability to reach great heights, just like a dear. With Christ no height or goal is too great. He has a plan for us just like a conductor of music does. We are each members of Christ's orchestra. Some of us know the conductors music and follow that plan and others go with the flow or try their own thing. However Christ, our conductor has a way of pulling us all together. Wether we know what his plans are or not, things will fall into place, we are all apart of a beautiful song, a beautiful life!

** Sorry for the amount of posts lately! Megan is at a retreat this weekend and informed me last minute that she wouldn't be ale to post. So sorry bout that!**

Have a wonderful night everyone. Your all a very important part in Christ's orchestra :)


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