1 Peter 4:10

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NIV: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

NCV: Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace.

Meaning: everybody has a special gift that God has given them.  Maybe not everyone knows that that is at thjs point, but all of you have one and will find it at somw point.  Some gifts are like preaching. Evangelizing throughout your community and home/friends is a very special gift. Some people do not like speaking in front of people and others love it and maybe this is their spiritual gift but not yours. Others mentioned in the bible are leadership, teaching, mercy, giving, and there are so many more out there too. I think these are the coolest gifts you could have.  I remember when i was at camp, and this was a while ago and it really stuck to me (obviosuly, because i dont remember a lot! Lol) but my councillor was saying we can't all have the same gift! Thats like everyone being the "eye" on a body. Thats not gonna make much of a body.  Or everyone being the arm or leg.  You need a variety of everything to balance it all out and thats what our gifts do. Some way to direct you to what your spiritual gift may be is taking a test on the internet.  I know only God truly knows what it is, but sometimes these can lead us to greater things in our lives. Everyone needs to accept their gift and use it wisely to worship the Lord.  Remember, dont just Teach the gospel, but live it too.


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