James 4:7

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James 4:7

NIV: So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you.  Come near to God, and God will come near to you.

Meaning: I'd encourage you to before reading the rest of this, take a second and read through the rest of James 4 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+4%3A1-12&version=NIV) cause its such as great chapter and it will give you a better context as to what's going on in this verse.

Submission. What do you think of when you here that word? To submit is to like give up. To submit ourselves, completely give our selves to God, we are allowing him to take the steering wheel in life, giving everything, 100% of us to Him. With him in you heart and by your side, the devil becomes angry. A common misconception about Christianity can be that it's an easy road, problem-free when really it is not. The devil is always going to be there, wanting to to turn onto the world's path, sin, lie, all those bad things. But it's so amazing that when we say no to the devil and turn him away, he will literally run away! Final part of this verse: drawing close to God. Sometimes in our lives, we might look back on past experiences where at the time we were confused and wondering where God was? Why wasn't he close to you? But now, you might be able to see that during that time, God was waiting there with open arms, you just had to run into them. Draw near to God, study his word, learn about him and live it out, and he will draw near to you :)

~ Katie

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