Matthew 5:10

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Matthew 5:10

NCV: They are blessed who are persecuted for doing good,

    for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.

NIV: Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Meaning: Bless those who get punished for glorifying the father! Bless those who get picked on at school for preaching Gods word and showing their beliefs! People like that deserve to go to heaven. They don't care about their consequences as long as they're teaching people or learning about the gospel! Living for God is the way to live, people in the bible got punished a lot for worshiping the Lord, but most of them didn't regret it because they know its the way to go and the right thing to do! A lot of people are afraid to show people God at school And everywhere else because they're afraid of getting teased, but honestly in the end it doesn't matter because you will be going to heaven to be with the King where no one will be judged and everyone will be loved by one another.

Take action: I think you should put this verse as your home screen, everytime you turn your device on you will see it and remember that sharing God's word with others is great even if it means getting teased a bit by your buddies. Remember, Jesus got tormented on the cross for us, I think its not that hard for us to do this for him!

     -Megan :)

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