Matthew 10:39

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Matthew 10:39

NIV: Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

MSG: If your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you'll find both yourself and me.

Meaning: I LOVE this verse!! At first it can be kind of confusing to understand, but the meaning to it is awesome!
What are you main concerns each day? Is it how you look? What you wear? Whatever it may be, it is likely about yourself because that's just the way we tend to be.... only thinking about how this effects you or what benefits you might get out of it. It's all a mistake we have made before. This verse tells us that even if everything you do is only to help you and concerning you, you won't find yourself. Personally, I think find 'yourself' is like your personality. What God-given abilities do you have or what is God's will for you? But by putting God first and moving our concerns to the back burner, we will truly be able to see who God is because you've removed that focus from yourself and put in on God! Not only will you discover more about God and grow in your relationship with him, but you will discover, you will find yourself, that person God created you to be. It's that I AM SECOND concept. This is such a great challenge to really focus less on yourself and more on God just to learn more about him and allow him to do things through you! Loose your life for God to find it.... and more about him.

Less of yourself & more of God- this is something I want to work on and challenge you as well to think about this week!

Nothing is impossible with God! Don't forget it... and have a lovely rest of your week :)


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