[Matthew 13:44]

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Matthew 13:44

NIV: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

ESV: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Meaning: This parable, along with a few others in this chapter, are illustrating a point about the kingdom of heaven and how we should 'react' to it! I think the lyrics from the song "Build your Kingdom Here" by Rend Collective fit in perfectly with this verse!
We seek Your kingdom first.
We hunger and we thirst.
Refuse to waste our lives
for You're our joy and prize.
Unleash Your kingdom's power
reaching the near and far.
No force of Hell can stop
Your beauty changing hearts.
You made us for much more than this!
Awake the kingdom seed in us!
Fill us with the strength and love of Christ.
I absolutely love this song and these lyrics perfectly illustrate what this verse is telling us. Read them over once more and really think about what they say. "Awake the kingdom seed in us!" Like the man in this parable, we should be willing to give up all that we own for the glory of the kingdom of God! The man sold all that he owned, just so he could have the amazing treasure he'd discovered. There are so many things in our lives that can distract us from God, but we should refuse to waste our lives on such things! The kingdom of heaven is so much more valuable than anything on this earth. As Christians, we should strive to seek God's kingdom FIRST!

Take Action: Have you given up all that you have to God? This can be difficult, but the bible tells is that it is worth it in the end! I want to challenge you to say yes to God completely and each day, surrender all you have to him, because His Kingdom is the ultimate treasure!

•••The song I was talking about today, " Build your Kingdom Here" (Rend Collective) is an amazing song that I've been listening to a ton lately! It has fantastic lyrics-I would recommend you go check it out, it's an awesome band and they have great music :)

Have a great night everyone :) Thank you all for reading!


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