Freedom. (Romans 6:6-7)

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Romans 6:6-7

NIV: For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin

These past few days I've been thinking about what I wanted to talk about in today's post and this afternoon when I heard my mom singing this song I knew exactly what God wanted me to share with you all today

"It's only in surrender that I'm truly free

I am free, I am free indeed

All that I am for all that You are" (Rend Collective, All That I Am)

Freedom is a big part in the story of the gospel. Jesus came, lived and died for all the sinners of this world and because of that, we are free. You may have heard this many times from Sunday School, your parents or in the Bible, but have you ever really thought about it before? When I think of freedom, I think of going from a time of hurt, separation, be locked up or bound to something to a place of celebration and opportunity, a new start in a way. That is, if you have accepted Jesus into your heart, your story and my story. Chained up by my sin and my shame, helpless and alone, yet Jesus saw me, he saw you and he reached out his hand and set us free. The chains were broken, our chains are gone!!! No longer tied down by guilt or shame or the past or fear but completely free.

But maybe you have not experienced this freedom yet, maybe you still have not taken that step from darkness into light. That amazing news is that Jesus is standing there with open arms ready to offer you that freedom that comes with a relationship with him. Surrender to him, fully surrender. Give up you old ways, your old self has been crucified with him!!... and submit to him. This is my prayer for every single one of you this week. Whatever you are struggling with, maybe it is fear or guilt or shame or  hurt ot something specific in your life that has become a weight or a burden, let God take it. Give it to him. Talk to him, cry out to him, open your heart to him. No matter where you are at or how rotten you may feel, you can rest in and know that God has washed you as white as snow, broken your chains and set you free. We are not longer slaves to sin, but are sons and daughters of the Father. He is the ultimate comforter in your time of hurt, the healer when you feel broken, and and powerful, merciful God that loves you with a love we can understand. It's only in surrender to this amazing God that you can become truly free.

This is something that's been on my mind and that I've been struggling with lately and I hope that today's post was able to encourage you or speak to you in some way.

Below is a song that would really recommend you listen to, it's called "I Am Set Free" by All the Sons and Daughters. It is a beautiful song with really powerful words.

I'll be praying that this message is something that can become real to you this coming week:) God bless


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