What do I Pray For??

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Hey guys! Hope you've all had a fantastic weekend! So we received a requests from one of our readers asking for a post of a certain topic, so I decided to do just that! The topic I'm going to be talking about is "what to pray for when you've got nothing to say." -the topic our reader requested!

Lately we've revived a few questions about prayer and how to pray, etc. So it's been a topic that's been on my mind a lot. Praying can seem like just something we are suppose to do as Christians, like a given requirement. When I was younger, I said bedtime prayers and prayed with my family at every meal (we still do:) but I don't think I really grasped how awesome prayer is!! We get to talk to the creator of the universe and tell him our problems, our worries, and share our thankfulness with him! That's so amazing!

So onto the question. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 tells us to "rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." But sometimes, you just don't know what to pray for! I'm going to share with you some ways I find 'inspiration' for prayer!

1. A simple yet powerful quote I love is

"There is always, always, always something to be thankful for."... notice how it says always 3 times ;) Thank God for all he has done! Even the simple things like the great day you had or the sunshine outside. Then there's the things we often take for granted- health, family etc. I don't know what each of you are experiencing or going through right now and for some of you it might've tough to be thankful for, but remember that, even when thing look pretty dark and hopeless, God is our lighthouse and is the peace in our troubled seas!

2. Some think that prayer is getting down on your knees, bowing your head and closing your eyes. This is definitely one way to pray, but not the only way! I personally love praying all the throughout my day whenever I just want to talk to God! Either to thank him for something or to ask for his protection, help etc. this is a great way to 'have' things to pray for... Just talk to God as soon as they come to mind. Which leads my to my final point!

Gods creation absolutely boggles my mind- the beauty and incredibleness of it all just wants to make me glorify him. Go out to your backyard or to a park or wherever and just look around and thank God for the beauty he's created around you! It's amazing all the details and incredible parts of Gods creation!

So when u don't know what to pray for:

-thank God

- bring your requests to Him

- soak in Gods amazing creation

- talk to him as soon as a praise/requests comes to mind!

- other ideas... look up bible verses Christian quotes on the Internet and let those be an inspiration for you to pray! (Watch for and upcoming post on our other book, Shining a Light!), turn on some worship music, just close your eyes and listen to the words, pray with/for other people- it's a great way to connect with others and God. :)

I know this was a longer post, but I hope you all enjoyed it! We LOVE talking to you guys, if you ever have any questions or requests for topics, message us!

God bless!

-Katie :)

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