James 3:4-5

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NIV: Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

NCV: Also a ship is very big, and it is pushed by strong winds. But a very small rudder controls that big ship, making it go wherever the pilot wants. It is the same with the tongue. It is a small part of the body, but it brags about great things. A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame.

Meaning: Why do I have to be careful what I say? In this passage it says, it compares a ship, and your tongue. The ship is very big but uses a small machine to make big things happen, your mouth/tongue is small but it can be used for big things and it can be used as a huge weapon against you. I've learned from personal experiences to be careful what you say. People could take it the wrong way, or you just might not be thinking. Little fights between your friends or family are sometimes started by the little thing you said by accident or you didn't mean. We have to learn to control what we say. As Christians we need to find that filter and filter our mouth from the bad stuff. The biggest issues these days are started honestly just by us saying the smallest things. If you know you need help with keeping things to yourself sometimes, ask God and pray, tell him you need help. God answers prayers!

Take Action: Next time you buy something new or get a good grade, dont boast about it and brag to people, thats what can start arguments. Keep it to yourself and be content with yourself. There is no need to go tell the whole world you got a brand new pair of shoes. pray pray pray pray pray. prayer is the most powerful thing out there! God is phonomel and he can do anything you ask. Anything! So ask him to help you not brag, it may sound cheesy to pray about that, but its not. God wants you to pray aboht everything!!!

goodnight my beautifuls

♡ -Megan ♡

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