Reality in Cuba

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SO as most of you know, I have been on vacation in Cuba for the past week, and while I was there, it really hit me how undeveloped they are and how we should really be thankful for all we have. The verse from Psalm 107:1 says "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever." Give thanks to the lord for all the things he provides us with. There were workers there that would stop you as you walked by to ask you if you had something that they could have.

My dad and I were walking down the beach one morning and a man stopped us, gave me a grasshopper made out of palm tree leaves (it was reallyyy well made) and then he asked me if we had any shoes or clothes that we could give to him for his daughter. So I went back to my room and found some that I brought but didn't really wear, and went to give them to him. Unfortunately I couldn't find him :/ and that was his last day working there, so I felt really bad.

Also there was always a man at a cart making donuts for people, and we got to know him, he was super sweet, and on one of our last days he asked us if we had an mp3 player we could give to him for his little son. He said he really wants them but they're very expensive. Sadly, we didn't bring any with us that we don't use at home. I have like 3 in my room that I never use, and it upset me that I couldn't give them to someone who actually could use them and wanted them so badly. He told us to come back next year, and then he will pay us for them, but I would just give them to him for free. If you could see their faces when you give them something, its unbelieveable how happy it makes inside because you can see how exstatic they are.

You often see people in like big cities on the side of the road asking for money (not saying that everyone does this) and mostly using it for drugs and alcohol. But these people aren't asking for money so they can abuse it, they ask for things that they need (not that they need mp3 players but I think he really wanted to make his son happy.) There were a lot of other people that did stuff like that too but I can't share it all.

This shows that we really need to thank the Lord for everything we have because compared to a lot of other people, our problems that seem so big to us, are smaller than anything to them. Also, Give to the needy. When you see someone in need, help them. It makes you feel good, and them feel good. It goes both ways!

Have a great week! God Loves You!! <3


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