psalm 27:14

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NIV: Wait for the Lord;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!

Meaning: The Lord does not always work right away. Sometimes he chooses to wait because he has a plan and he knows it's whats best. Sometimes it might not always be easy to wait. Being patient is one of the most difficult things for us human beings to do. I have a really really good friend of mine that moved away where I couldn't see her as often. Recently I tried to make plans with her but it one of us was always busy and it never worked out. I began to get frustrated because nothing was working out and really wamted to see her. The one weekened we had everything almost planned then I realized I had a volleyball tournament on the Friday and then the yourh retreat after until sunday. I got super mad because again, it wasnt working. That weekend I realized God didnt let it work because he had different plans for me that weekend. I was freed from my stress zone and he worked through me in so many different ways. After that I kept waiting and now we have plans for this weekend which is so good and it even works out better because she can come down for Taylor's bithday. Like this, it can be like this for you. Maybe he doesn't let certain things happen right away, but that is because he has other plans for you. Maybe at a different time, it'll work better or God just has something else he wants you to do then.

I have kinda realized that recently a lot of my post a are based on life stories of mine that go along with the memory verse. I dont know if you like that or not so you would let me know that would be great. I guess I was thinking that life stories are easier to relate to and better to learn from :) so sharing my stories, I was hoping would influence you guys!


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