Joshua 1:8

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Joshua 1:8

NIV: Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Meaning: This verse is a great reminder of the importance of focusing on Gods word, soaking it on, reading it and just living it out! Read it daily so that you can follow it guidelines and do what it says, and this will lead to success! I also want to talk about not only meditating on the bible and soaking it on, but also about what other things you "meditate" on or what you are filling your mind with, if that makes sense! Anyways, lately I have been stumbling across a ton of great, inspirational quotes that I wanted to share with you! These would definitely make great wallpapers on your phone and are just great things to think about and have in the back of your mind for when you need them :)

Joseph waited 13 years.
Abraham was 100 when he became a dad.
Moses wandered for 40 years.
Job suffered for many years.
David waited 20 years to become king.
Jesus waited 30 years.
If God is making you wait, you are in great company.

God loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a life time.

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Your life is God's gift to you; what you do with it is you gift to God.

"In any given moment we have two options, step forward into growth or to step back into safety."-Abraham Maslow

"What's important is not how we get a dream, but whether we have one, and whether we will allow God to work in our lives so the He can accomplish what he had in mind when He gave it to us." -David Seamands

Pray in the storm, but keep rowing for shore.

The phrase "Do not be afraid" is written in the bible 365 times.

These are just several if many awesome quotes out there and I encourage you to check some out, remember them and share them for those times where you need some inspiration!:)


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