How To Love & My Challenge

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Hey fam!

I am so so pumped to be back, like you guys don't even know! We could never forget about you guys and we've been trying to start back up for a while. I hope you all have still stuck around! Anyways life has been crazy and lots has went on, tons of inspiration for future posts! Oh, also, we love love getting messages from you guys and always try to reply to them really quickly so if you guys ever need anything, we are always here! Well here we go, enjoy my first post of 2016 :)


1 John 3:18

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Today I'm gonna share with you guys something that God has been really laying on my heart, it's how to love. I know that seems pretty basic, your thinking "Taylor I already know how to love!" But do you really? Over my next few posts I will be talking about how to love. Nobody will ever be able to achieve the level of love our God has for us but hey, we can try! Anyways, for the longest time I thought I knew how to love. I was kind to people and said nice things to them and I figured that really, that's what love is. However recently I've really been realizing how to truly love. In this verse it explains how we should love. It tells us that we should love through our actions instead of words. Anybody can say nice things, but to truly love, you must show it through out actions and through truth. Our God is one of perfect and unending love. Any love advice from we get from him, we should for sure take. I encourage you guys to think about what it means to you to truly and fully love. Sharing Gods truths and showing love to others through our actions is something super important. It's really important to practise what you preach. I saw a picture on Pinterest the other day that summed it up perfectly:. Practise what you preach. Some people really are so hurt and in so much need that you can't  just tell them a message, you need to be one.  Be the love they don't get from their parents, be the positive influence they don't get from their friends, be a message of Gods love. Actions speak louder than words. As Valentine's Day is coming up, I encourage you all to try a little challenge. Do something nice for someone this week. Show them your love through actions. I'm not talking about buying your boyfriend or girlfriend chocolates, I'm talking about doing something genuinely kind. Write your teacher a thank you card, shovel your neighbors driveway, send somebody you haven't seen in a while a letter or just smile at somebody in the hallway. Honestly some of the simplest things mean the most to people. I hope you guys enjoyed this post. I will be posting every Wednesday from now on! If you plan to accept my challenge and do something nice for someone this week, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!


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