New Year, New You?

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Hi guys! I hope your not missing posts too much! We will continue regularly posting again in a few days. For now, I wanted to leave you with a little something to ring in the new year! -Taylor

Psalm 65:11:You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.

Celebrating New Years can sometimes seem pointless, just another excuse to party and drink. For many years I just saw all the bad in celebrating New Years, until this year at least. There is always so much hype about a new year being a fresh clean slate, 365 new chances. I personally always thought that was cliche and really dumb. This year however, I find Christ has really renewed understanding within me. Christ really is SO good to us and he will provide amazing opportunities this year and for the years to come. For me, New Years has become less about watching the ball drop in Time Sqaure, and more about reflecting and being thankful for the overflowing abundance of things God has provided me with. Ya, you could consider a new year a fresh,clean slate, but in reality, the only true way to obtain that is through Christ. You can accept him into your heart any of those 365 days, not just on New Years.

        Another super cliche part of New Years is resolutions. By about the 4th of January, all those resolutions are out the window. Resolutions can be a great thing if your committed and your goal is realistic. Last year, I was so tired of hearing resolutions like "loosing weight" or "to be more social" and "to get a boyfriend." Okay,those things might be great but you do not   really NEED those things. My goal for 2014 was to spend more time with God. I feel deep in my heart that I achieved that with this book. This year, I have made a  goal to be happier. I feel like I come off as  very happy, outgoing person, which I am.. most of the time. However, I have made a goal to eliminate  unnecessary stress and drama because some how I feel like I too easily get sucked into it. Moral of the story: New Years really can be great if you make it that way. I want you to really evaluate and make good choices when makig a resolution this year!

Have a fabulous New Year guys! Make it an absolutely great one!

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