Pslams 139:14

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Psalms 139:14

NCV: I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.
What you have done is wonderful.
I know this very well.

Meaning: This verse is pretty self explanatory- we are to praise God because what he does is amazing!! But, when you think about it, this is an amazingly powerful verse... For sure one of my favourites! God created us in his own image, beautiful and unique in our own ways. it's easy to compare ourselves to one another and constantly analyze and criticize out selfs, but God created you just the way you are and put you on this earth to shine a light for him!! And God knows exactly what he was doing... So praise him!! His works are amazing!
• "Whatever you've been told, your worth more than gold!"
These are lyrics form Britt Nicole's song "Gold" which is an awesome song that talks about how priceless we are in Gods eyes and how we should not change because of what other people tell us... God created us as we should live our lives being who God created us to be!!

Definitely check out, if you haven't before, Britt Nicole's songs!! She's a fantastic singer that writes really creative, inspirational songs :)

Hey guys! So today I'm heading off to a cottage till Sunday so won't be able to post Saturday! I will be back to posting on Monday though:) Thanks for all your support an have a great weekend! GOD BLESS:)

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