Romans 1:25

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Romans 1:25

NLT: They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

Meaning: Recently I've been reading through the book of Romans and found this verse! It's so true and crazy to think about....we 'worship' things God made instead of the the creator himself! The one who made everything deserves our praise and glory, not those things we put before God!! I found this really thought provoking paragraph in my bible that talks about creation an the Creator.

" Consider creation- vast and awesome- all crafted by God.The galaxy, your planet, you. Everything you touch, taste, see, feel- all God's handiwork.
So why would you choose to serve anyone, anything else? Why would you not value God's judgement above the advice of all others?"

I love that! Why WOULD you chose to serve, to follow anything other than our big awesome God! Read Isaiah 40:12-31. It illustrates just how powerful and big God is...He holds the oceans in his hand! He has weighed the mountains on a scale! He is all knowing! Don't you want to worship an amazing God like that?!

One final thought that was in my bible- " God is in your world because you live in his- the world he shaped."


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