Isaiah 64:8

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Today's verse: Isaiah 64:8

NIV: Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand.

NCV: But Lord, you are our father.
We are like clay, and you are the potter; your hands made us all.

Meaning: This is honestly probably in my top 10 favorite verses! I've been saving this one up for a bit! The bible uses so many great metaphors and similes, it's really cool! As you know, the bible tells us that The Lord has made us all. He has made us from scratch, we aren't a copy. We were each made from a fresh "brick of clay." He spent so much time and effort delicately handcrafting you just as a potter dose with his pottery. No pottery is exactly the same just like nobody is the same. You are each unique pieces of pottery that the artist of the universe has made! Unlike pottery though, you are priceless! Love yourself as an artist loves his work because you are the incredible work of our Lord!

I feel like just leaving this verse without a take action part because I feel it's better to just leave it at that!! Anyways, I'm back! I had a great weekend visiting my friend, I hope your weekend was great!! I hope you are liking the change with our new member joining! I'm so glad Megan has joined the DaughterOfTheFather family! She's been a best friend of mine for many years and she is just all around amazing! Send her some love on her first post guys! She's a great girl and I'm so glad to share this experience with her! Anyways, goodnight guys! Remember what an incredible work of art you are! Jesus loves you!

-Taylor :)

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