Colossians 4:5

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Colossians 4:5

NCV: Be wise in the way you act with people who are not believers, making the most of every opportunity.

ESV: Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.

Meaning:"Time is a very precious gift of God; so precious that its only given to us moment by moment."
-Amelia Barr
I think that this great quote I found fits into the verses for today. Time IS a precious gift and we need to be sure we are using it wisely... To serve God and bring glory to his name! This verse says that when we are with "outsiders" (non-believers) we need to use our time wisely, make the most of each situation! There is a time for everything and we should, when given the opportunity, use it to, like it said, show Gods love to outsiders! Don't put it off saying "I'll wait for tomorrow", do it now! Also, I think this verse is implying how time management is important. Wasting our time on useless things or spending to much time on things can take away from our relationship with God cause of we are constantly bombarded with this and that we won't e able to focus on what really matters and WHO really matters.. Our Heavenly Father and shining a light for him!

Take Action: Don't wait! Don't put it off! Use each opportunity God gives you to show his love to others and don't push it aside thinking you'll do it later... you never know what tomorrow will bring. Time management isn't the easiest thing to do... getting caught up in school work, sports teams or whatever you do, leaving God near the end of your priorities. I know I'm guilty of this too but guys don't let it happen! Be strong on your faith and make God a part of each part of your lives, pray often, read your bible, interact with other Christians... and glorify God in ALL that you do :)

Heyy guys! Hope you all had lovely weekends... I had a relaxing weekend up at a cottage it was great :) We'll be back to regular posting now...never forget how much you are loved by our awesome God!


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