Matthew 7:13-14

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Matthew 7:13-14

NIV: Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


NCV:  Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate.  But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road.

Meaning: God wants all of us to join him in his kingdom, every single one of us, but not all of us choose that way.  Its easy to fall into the darkness and go down the wrong path, us as Christians need to stay on the narrow path leading to the kingdom of God, instead of taking the "highway!" It May not be easy all the time, but in the end it'll be worth it, entering those gates, meeting god, walking on the roads made of gold. Only a small amount of people choose to go on the narrow path, the way to hell may be easier to find and its open for anyone that wants to go in, but its certainty not the way you want to go.  So don't get caught up in what your friends do, ask yourself first, is this what God would do?  Don't do things just to fit in, honestly, after highschool there are no "popular" groups so in the end it doesn't even matter.

Take action:  next time your friends are trying to get you to do something you don't think is right like watching a movie your not aloud to watch, just say no, if they get upset then they're not true friends, true friends don't pressure u into things you don't want to do. Write this verse on a sticky note And stick it your your mirror. Every time you look in the Mirror.  you'll see it every time and remember not to be deceived by these earthly things, go God's way!!!

***me Katie and Taylor are in a soccer tourney now!! Our team was brutal before but were doing great in the tourney!! Wish us luck and we'd appreciate some prayers! :)***


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