Matthew 7:3-5

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Today's verse: Matthew 7:3-5

NIV: Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

NCV: Why do you notice the little piece of dust in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the big piece of wood in your own eye? How can you say to your friend, 'Let me take that little piece of dust out of your eye'? Look at yourself! You still have that big piece of wood in your own eye. You hypocrite! First, take the wood out of your own eye. Then you will see clearly to take the dust out of your friend's eye.

Meaning: People tend to judge before they even know you! They pick on every little thing they can find. Yet the fail to realize all of their flaws. Guys, it's not cool to be a hypocrite. Remember how karma works! People's hypocritical comments are what corrupts the world! You don't know peoples stories, so stop judging them! "Only God can judge us, forget the haters because somebody loves ya!" Those are the famous words of Miley Cyrus. Although I'm not the biggest fan of what she has done lately, I have to admit she has a great voice and this quote is great! The only person who can really judge us is God, and he loves you! Like the verse says, when you point out every little thing about someone ( like a spec of dust in their eye per say) and they fail to realize that you aren't perfect ether causes you to have a metaphorical huge piece of dust ( or wood like the verse says) in their eye! When you judge everyone else and don't consider yourself you become hypocritical. Hypocrites are blind to themselves. If this sounds like you, stop. Take that huge piece of wood that's causing you to be blind out of your eyes and look around. God doesn't want you to judge people or be hypocritical. You wouldn't like someone doing that to you!

Hey! I hope you guys are relaxing on Sunday, the day of rest, I know I am! Remember what Sunday's are for, spend time with family, friends or just relax yourself, you deserve it! Have a great day guys! Katie will be back to posting tomorrow!

God bless

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