John 1:12 & Romans 12:5

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Romans 12:5 & John 1:12

John 1:12- ESV: But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

Romans 12:5- NIV: So in Christ we, through many, for one body, and each member belongs to the other

Meaning: So today I decided to do 2 verses because I want to talk about 2 different things that are related and both of these verses I love! So the first verse talks about how the when we accept Jesus into our hearts (one of the most rewarding decisions you will make:) we become become children of God!! Daughter and sons of the father! Daughters and sons of the KING!! That's amazing! Now the second verse... as a believer, you and I are part of the body of Christ that is made up of believers all over the globe. So, because we are each children of God we are all brothers and sisters in Christ! That's pretty cool that you can have a connection to someone across the world because of our faith in Jesus Christ! And because we are all part of the body of Christ, we are all here to encourage one another and use our spiritual gifts to help each other in our spiritual walks!

Take Action: Pray for your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and encourage them in their spiritual walk!! If you have a youth group at your church, do your best to attend it and get involved!! It's a great place to have fun yet grow in your faith with God and interact with your brothers and sisters in Christ! Also, pray for people you know that do not have a personal relationship with Christ and show them how amazing God's love really is!!

So hope all you lovelies are having a wonderful week! Have a great night

God blessss:)


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