Psalms 119:35

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~Psalms 119:35~

NLT: Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found.

Meaning: Being happy is great! We all love being happy, excited, joyful compared to bring grumpy or sad. The question is... what is the source of our happiness? What people say? How our day goes? All of these things might make you temporarily happy, but the outcry of true happiness is following God! Following his commandments, staying on that path of righteousness, that's where our happiness should come from! Being able to serve such an awesome God! Just because we may follow Gods commandments, however, it doesn't necessarily mean that life is gonna be a breeze and we gonna be smiling and happy at all times. There are gonna be some bumps in the road, some hard times but during those times, I encourage you to seek God and find joy thorough him!

It's the weekend!! What are your plans? Whatever you are up too, have a great one :)


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