Colossians 3:23

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NCV:  In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people.

NIV:  Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,

Meaning: Whenever you work, work hard. Pretend the Lord is watching you. You would want to work your hardest for him, to impress him, so why not work that hard all the time? Because technically he is always watching you. The worldly people around us criticize us constantly, everything we do, we are getting judged for. Most people just look for the negative part. But personally, I believe God looks for the positive stuff. Yes he does punish us for the wrong we do but he does not condemn us. Sometimes people expect us to do things, or say things, or act a certain way that God wouldn't want us to. We know we should not do that, but we "need" the approval of others. Whereas, all we really need is Gods approval. Whatever we shall do, do it in Gods name. Do it as if you were representing him, in which you are, but prove to the people around you, that by how hard working you are, and that everything you do comes from Christ, you are a dedicated Christian. We arent here to please the world. Please the Lord and he will supply you with everything you will need, because HE IS GOD!

I felt like it was necessary to announce that today, February 24 2015, is National Tortilla Chip day! So now that you know that, go crack open a bag of tortilla chips, make some nachos, and be happy that someone invented Tortilla Chips!  

I hope everyones having a great week so far! remember that you can message us or anything! We really love when people comment and leave us messages! 


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