Song Of Songs 4:7

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You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
there is no flaw in you.

My darling, everything about you is beautiful,
and there is nothing at all wrong with you.

Meaning: Insecurity is a huge part of people life's, including mine. A lot of people worry about their size, their abilities or acne, and they start comparing themselves to other people like its a competition. But God tells us in the verse that everything about us is beautiful. Like I actually am so grateful he put a verse like this in the bible because it is so reassuring to look back at every once in a while when your down on yourself. Sometimes I wonder why we still feel insecure even though we know God is with us and he made us perfectly. The answer to that question is Satan. Satan's weapon towards us is doubt. He likes to make us question ourselves and our worth and how we measure up to other people. Other things that cause insecurity are wealth and possessions. Always thinking you need the latest iphone or the clothes that are in style these days or the most things. And if you dont have all that you are "failures". Yet God teaches us in the bible to put our woth into him instead of earthly things. These things sometimes cause us to look down badly on ourselves and make us feel horrible.

Matthew 6:31-34 clearly talks about not being anxious or worrying about tomorrow or future events! When we doubt God, Satan wins.

When I was younger I used to listen to a lot of Christian music. One of my favourite artists was Toby Mac. Some of my favourite songs by him were "made to love" "one world" and "eye on it". I encourage all of you to look through his songs because they're really catchy and they all have a super amazing message!!! :)


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