Mark 11:25

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NCV:  When you are praying, if you are angry with someone, forgive him so that your Father in heaven will also forgive your sins.

NIV:  And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins

Meaning: Technically this is saying that if you are upset, or holding a grudge against anyone, you need to forgive them, so the Lord can forgive you. This definitely may be hard for some people. But God says we need to forgive like he forgives us. If we hold grudges against people, the door to God will be closed. from experience, i know its good to forgive, but it doesn't mean stay friends if you can't trust them anymore. Im almost 100% positive all of you have been mad at someone. Maybe your parents, sibling, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, relative, but you normally forgive them right? But he is saying here that when you pray, think. Take a moment to think if you have anyone you need to forgive, or stop holding grudges for. There was a local girl where i live that got hit by a garbage truck i believe it was or something, fortunately she lived, but has disabilities now, anyways, her parents could have charged this man, because i think most people would have, for wreckless driving. But they didn't, they forgave him, and one reason why, was because they have the Lord in their hearts. Christ gave them the strength to forgive, so they can be forgiven by the Lord. This was a big obstacle in their lives, and im sure if you think about it, them forgiving this man that hit their daughter is probably harder to do than you forgiving your friend who told your secret. (just for an example) Forgiveness is an important part of life, and your Christian walk with God.


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