Luke 22:42

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Luke 22:42- STRENGTH

NCV: "Father, if you are willing, take away this cup of suffering. But do what you want, not what I want."

Meaning: Jesus prayed this to his Father in heaven before he was crucified. He knew the horrible pain and suffering he would have to endure, but I think it's so amazing that thorough this time, he still was seeking Gods will & plan for him! That takes incredible faith and strength. I think that we are able to relate to how Jesus might have been feeling, obviously we don't experience the pain he did, but "Jesus recognized God's challenge to die so that we could be with God in heaven forever." This is something I read in my bible today and really like! God didn't just challenge people back in bible times, but we each face out own challenges today. It may be hard to see at the time, but God could be using that trial to draw you closer to Him, challenge you to really dig deep into your faith and grow in Him! God has a plan for you, even when things look rough, he has a purpose for it all, seek him!

I hope you all had a lovely week! I was at a youth event tonight, it was such an awesome time :) Enjoy your weekend!

~Katie <3

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