Psalm 23:6

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Today's verse: Psalm 23:6

NIV: Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of The Lord forever.

NCV: Surely your goodness and love will be with me all my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Meaning: The Lord is amazing! He's a miracle worker, a savior, a protector and the king of kings! His "goodness" and love covers us no matter what situation we are in. He will always be there by our side showing his great love for us! He loves unconditionally! And once you have been saved, we will be given one of the greatest gifts, the privilege to live in the Lords house. We will all live I heaven for eternity in a safe land with the most incredible man alive! What a great gift!

Take action: Please, please, please message us if you haven't been saved. I can't stress enough how important it is! Keep in mind, it won't be easy and it's a huge commitment! I would honestly love to help you guys out and give any advice you might need! I'm always here for you guys!

Hey guys! This will be my last post until Monday as I won't be around to post. I'll be visiting my best friend who has moved quite a while away for her birthday! Katie will have a post up for you though, don't worry! ALSO KATIE WILL BE POSTING A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOR YOU GUYS THIS WEEKEND SO STAY TUNED! Anyways, have a safe weekend everyone! Remember, the creator of the world loves you more than you could ever imagine!

God bless,
-Taylor :)

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