Proverbs 13:20

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Today's verse: Proverbs 13:20

NIV: Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

NCV: Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer.

Meaning: In our world the people we hang out with have a HUGE impact on ourselves. The people we make companions with reflect ourselves and impact our choices. Without some of my friends I would have never gotten into waterskiing, downhill skiing or my favorite sport, SOCCER! Like I said, our friends have an incredible impact on us, this verse even says it! If you hang out with people who make poor choices and who are foolish, you will likely do the same! Just the same with people who are wise! If you hang out with people who do good and are godly, that attitude will likely rub off on you!

Take action: Our friends tend to reflect ourself. If we are wise and if we make good choices we will probably be friend people with the same attributes as us! So, when picking friends be careful! Remember this verse before you allow a new person into your life. I feel as though no matter how independent you are, the people you surround yourself with will rub off on you. So take time to think about if A: God would want you to be with them, B: If you would want that person to reflect you, Or C: if you think that person is wise or not. Taking the time to think about these things could really make a difference in your life!

•••• Hey guys I hope you had a great Father's Day! I know I did, it was really relaxing just spending some down time with my daddy :D Remember to always be thankful for the little things in life! I really appreciate all of your support guys! QUESTION OF THE DAY: Have you been watching the FIFA World Cup? If you are what team are you cheering for? I'm cheering for Germany and Italy :D Anywaysss God bless you all!•••••


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