Isaiah 12:2

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God is the one who saves me;

    I will trust him and not be afraid.

The Lord, the Lord gives me strength and makes me sing.

    He has saved me.”


Surely God is my salvation;

    I will trust and not be afraid.

The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense;

    he has become my salvation

Meaning: God is the king of kings. Lord of Lords. He is the master and creator of everything and he is our father. As it says, our God is our savior and and he saved us from all our wrong doings in our life. Sometimes the fact of someone above us, watching our every move is intimidating, but we shall not be afraid. Theres nothing to be afraid of if you know your doing what the Lord would approve of. Also do not be afraid of anything God has set for your life.  He knows what hes doing, so do not fear anything.   The lord is what gives us strength.  On the those days where you don't want to go to school because maybe you get picked on.  Or those days you just don't feel like doing anything. God strengthens you and helps you through these times.

God defends us.  Hes on our side, if were on his. I believe he will fight for us if we fight for him. So if we don't stand up to people for God, he won't do much for us. We are commanded by him to spread the gospel and we need to listen. Because Jesus died on the cross for us, we are all now saved. Isn't that incredible??? God sent 1 life to die for billions. How amazing is that.  We serve an amazing God!

***I AM SO SORRY***** I posted yesterday and everything (or supposedly) but i guess it never officially posted or something because it never showed up.   I apologize soo much. Watt pads being glitchy for me so I'll double check next time to make sure it posts. Im so sorry again, but i hope you all had a great day!! Thank you lord for inventing Friday's!!! :D



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