James 2:17- DO YOU BELIEVE?

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James 2:17

NLT: So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and us

This past weekend, I saw a movie called "Do You Believe?" It was by the creators of "God's Not Dead", which I talked about in a previous post! After watching Do You Believe, I can say that is was honestly the most inspiring, motivating ( and saddest) movie I have ever seen. It left me with a lot to thinks about and totally made me want to go and serve!!

In a nut shell, there are 12 different people highlighted. 12 different souls. 12 different lives. But 1 path. Each of these people have had their struggles, their high and lows but ultimately, they are each battling and discovering the meaning of one simple question- do you believe?

If people were to look at your life, would their be enough to evidence to convict you of being a Christian? An interesting thought that a character said in the movie. Would your actions, your deeds, what you say, everything... does in point back to God? You see, it's faith that gets us to heaven, not works. It's accepting Jesus into your heart, repeating of your sins. But if you believe, then how do you show that? Our faith should drive us and make us want to serve God! How does what you do line up with the Bible, imitate Christ! Faith without deeds is a dead faith!! Shine that light, reach our help those around you!

Do you believe in God the Father?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?

And He's given us new life?

Do you believe in the crucifixtion?

Do you believe that He conquered death?

Do you believe in the resurrection?

And He's comin' back again?

The words in italics are from Newsboys fantastic song " We Believe" Check it out! Can you say that YES I believe to each of these questions? If so, than the true question is... what are you going to do about it?


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