1 Corinthians 16:13

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1 Corinthians 16:13

NLT: Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong

Meaning: I wanted to share this verse with you all today because it something I've been experiencing and thinking about lately. Recently, I've had several discussions with different groups of people about things like the Bible, Creation, how God made us to be and even questions like does God really exist? It's been interesting to see other people's views, how they see things, but it has also really challenged me to stand firm in my faith. Know what I believe and live that out, not be ashamed of my hope in Jesus Christ. This honestly can be hard, especially if the people you are talking with are all countering what you believe! It's always sweet to have those close friends who share your faith, I encourage you to find people like that in your lives. But be strong, courageous and remember that God is with you. Ask him to give you the words to say to those who are lost, to be a witness to the people around you! Anchor yourselves in Him.


Hi everyone! Hope all your weeks were great, I had a fantastic time in Chicago! I don't know if any of you have ever been, but it such an amazing city to go to, tour and experience:) Taylor and Megan were at Bible training this past weekend so they might have some sweet stuff to share with you all in upcoming posts!

Enjoy your night

~ Katie

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