John 16:33

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John 16:33

NIV: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Meaning: I'm gonna be focusing on the last part of this verse: " But take heart! I have overcome the world." Our world is a pretty unhappy place; all the tragedies that happen, deaths, crimes and more. God tells us that we should be happy though, for he has overcome the world and is someday coming back to take us to a perfect, happy place! When you look, there are so many things to be happy about or thankful for... even the simple things in life like family, health and all that good stuff. Especially a loving Heavenly Father who loves you and I so so much! The beginning of this verse talks about how yes, life is gonna bring you down and 'trouble you' but you can take heart and rejoice, cause Jesus has done and is doing amazing things!:)

Right now my wallpaper on my iPod is "There are so many reasons to be happy" It's a great reminder to focus on all the positive things in my life. If you are going through something tough in your life and things aren't looking too happy, ask God to guide you through this time and give you strength :)

Have a great nighttt:)


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