Ecclesiastes 4:12

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Though one may be overpowered,

    two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.


An enemy might defeat one person,

    but two people together can defend themselves;

a rope that is woven of three strings is hard to break.

Meaning: it is bad to be alone. No matter how isolated from the world you want to be, its bad. You cant defend yourself alone. Two people together can defend each other and maybe win the fight.  But a relationship with 3 in it can overcome everything. This relationship is not broken easily.  The relationship is you, your mate or a friend, and God. If you think of a good thick rope, theyre a many strands in it. 1 strand rope won't be very strong. Its weak and not trustworthy. A two stand rope is a little stronger and more beneficial for things. But 3 strands... that's very strong and can be used for many many things because 3 is always better than 1 or 2!

You and God alone is great. But if you have that one more person or friend that you can rely on and talk about God with too makes that "triangular relationship" between the 3 of you very strong.

Take Action: friends are great. You can be friends with non Christians, but your closer friends should be in a relationship with God. I want you too find that one friend. Or two even. The more the stronger. Just that friend you can always go to for help. Now a days thise friends after harder too find. But they're out there. Pray About it and don't give up!


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