Mark 12:27

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Mark 12:27

NIV: He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!"

Meaning: I don't know if any of you have seen or heard of the movie "God's Not Dead" but if you have, you know what I mean when I say it truly is a powerful story that inspired me and made me think... Comment if you have seen it with thoughts on it! :)

So basically what happens is this guy enters his first year of university. He sits down in his first class and immidiently the professor passes out sheets of paper, commanding each student to write 3 simple words on it- God is dead. To every kid in the class, it's easy to do, they do it without thought. Yet one student, Josh, says because of his faith in Jesus Christ, he can't do this. The story goes in and Josh is given the challenge to prove to his class and teacher that God is indeed alive! And he does! It really is an amazing story!

I have talked about this is a couple posts, but I really want to emphasize the importantly of it. You can go to church, memorize scripture, do good works (and all these things are great) but in the end it all boils down to one thing: a choice. Have you made that choice to follow God, do you believe that He died for you? And are you living for him? These are tough questions to ask yourself. Are you willing to stand up for your faith, for what you believe. Is your faith and religion, or is it a lifestyle? Is Jesus who you are living for? Jesus is the way to heaven, the is the truth and the life! Guys, life isn't about money, popularity and all that- those things can be fun and look like things that will last forever, but what I believe and the bible tells us that he only thing that lasts forever is the one and only living God!! God's not dead, he is alive!! He created the universe, he created you and me, and he wants to have a personal relationship with you!! Isn't that so sweet!!

Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold
It'll bring a revolution somehow
Now I'm lost in Your freedom
And this world I'll overcome
My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion

These lyrics are from the song "God's Not Dead" by Newsboys. Our God is surely alive, so out on your armour of God, stand strong in your faith and spread this message to the people around you!

If you have never seen "God's Not Dead" I would highly recommend you see it!

What an amazing God we serve, spread his salvation to the people around you this week!


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