Matthew 24:6-7

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Matthew 24:6-7

NIV: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

Meaning: The end of days will come, Jesus will return to earth. Nobody knows when, but these verses give us clues. An increasing topic right now is the end of times, the things that are going on in the world scarily resemble that of this verse. There's war and rumors of war all over, ISIS and the recent shootings killing soldiers in Canada by candian citenzins on their own soil. These are a few of the many wars constantly going on. Religions against religions and nations against nations, there are wars. Like the bible says there will be mass famines. Think about all the starving children in third world country's. And mass illness, the recent Ebola outbreaks have spiked increasing interest in the end of days topic. People are dieing everyday from this scary illness and it's highly contagious. All of this may seem alarming but you must put it in context. Ya all these illnesses, earthquakes and wars will be horrifying but Jesus will protect and provide. In the end we will all be in a better place. A place of love in heaven an where we won't experience those kinda of things.

Take action: Like I said before, nobody knows the time Jesus will return again. He will put you through judgement so you must spend each day of your life like it's your last. Things happen in the blink of an eye and so we all need to ensure we live a great,godly life all the time. I encourage all of you to evaluate your life. Do you give 100% of yourself to him everyday? If the answer is honestly no, then pray about it. Make it your goal to work towards, Jesus doses amazing things!!

**** Sorry this post was intended to go up last night but I didn't realize it was my turn to post. Megan,Katie and I attended "A Night of Worship" and me and Megan's school. It ran super late and by the time I got home it was almost 10:40 along with homework and sleep. Anyways, we attend a public school so I find it super cool that we are able to have things like that! It was a crazy emotional night and I hope to talk about it in my next post. *****

Have an awesome Friday guys!!!


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