Proverbs 4:23

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Today's verse: Proverbs 4:23

NIV:Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.

NCV: Be careful what you think,
because your thoughts run your life.

Meaning: For this verse the translations seem different. They both however, have the same general idea so I will try to explain both! Your mind and your heart run your body. The thoughts you think and the feelings from your heart determine your actions. You must be very careful with what you allow into your mind and heart. Don't allow Satan or negative things to get inside you because then you will start acting accordingly. Guard your mind and heart because those rule your life. Let Jesus live within you!!

Take action: Like mentioned in the last post, being saved is one of THE GREATEST things ever! It's a very personal decision, you will know when the time is right. But trust me, you won't regret it! Once you except him within you he will live in your heart! On top of being saved consider writing out this verse and hanging it on a wall, memorizing it or setting this verse as your wallpaper. I highly encourage you guys to protect your heart and really think about your thoughts. If your realizing what you are thinking or how you are acting is not what God wants, a prayer always helps!

Have a great night lovelies<3
God bless

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